Occupational & Professional Licenses

You can purchase or renew many professional and occupational licenses online. Find out how to apply or renew your license(s) and what you need in order to do so.

Get licensed in your career!

Whether you’re a barber, electrician or massage therapist, we’re here to help you get a license. Find an occupational or professional license for your career in Texas.

View the full list of professional and occupational license programs

Find license services and information

Multiple agencies provide services to manage, apply for, and renew your professional or occupational license.

Engineering and land surveyor licenses

The Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors (PELS) helps practicing engineers stay up to date on their license rules and regulations. 

Massage therapy licenses

Apply for or renew a massage therapy license online. Services are available for individual massage therapists, establishments, and instructors.

Plumbing licenses

The Texas State Board of Plumbing examiners (TSBPE) oversees plumbing license exams and registrations. You can apply for or renew your license with the Board online.  

Real estate and tax appraiser licenses

You can manage, apply for, and renew licenses issued by the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) and Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board (TALCB) online.

Racing licenses

The Texas Racing Commission oversees horse and greyhound racing-related licenses for jockeys, announcers, and racing officials.   

Vehicle inspector and station licenses

Apply for or renew vehicle inspector and station licenses online with Vehicle Inspection Connection (VIC). 

Is your medical license up to date?

The Texas Medical Board provides licensing services and the latest regulation requirements for physicians, acupuncturists, medical technologists, and more.

Learn more about medical licenses and requirements